A Strong Woman

By Miranda Stilwell

I revere Demi Lovato. Demi Lovato is a pop song artist, who has released many hit songs. Aside from her fame, she has faced many inner conflicts and struggled with many things, such as drug abuse. She had a very rocky upbringing with an alcoholic father and with her career starting/developing so young. Having to be someone everyone else wants you to be, a role model, perfect, and displaying all the right things was too much for her. Especially when she felt she had to be someone she wasn’t just for society. She struggled with this for many years then ended up leaning to drugs, starting at a very young age. 

Her producers, people she worked with and her family all recognized this and tried to help her, but Demi was just as reckless as a race car driver without a course, rehab not phasing her at all. She had been to rehab several times, clean/sober for the time being but after going straight back to drugs as a “way out”. Although she struggled throughout her career she eventually got a hold of herself and changed. Her story shows that even when you hit rock bottom, there is still hope and you should never give up no matter how long it takes. This journey has been happening all her life, and just now she is able to share her success, growth, and failures with her fans and the world, which takes a lot of courage and I admire that. I can’t even imagine her situation, the chains of her addiction held her back from being able to experience the life she had hoped for and held her back from enjoying her childhood.



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