Still Here

Did you ever know how much your pain hurt me?

That it haunted my sleep?

That I tried to feel it?

That I cared even then?

That every lie feels like a stab to the heart that just barely missed its mark?

I know I was a burden, and I’ll never forgive myself

Do you miss my pain?

Do you miss the blood shed for you?

The tears cried?

Do you love me the same without it?

I hated myself every time I brought you pain

I don’t care if you never felt the same

They hurt you, how can you ever expect me to forgive them?

I’m sorry, for everything

I’m sorry I annoyed you with my problems

I’m sorry I let you hurt 

I’m sorry I’m not enough

Most of all I’m sorry I’m still here when I bring you pain

You say you need me but your state says otherwise

But I’ll stay, because I’m too weak to go



13 years old

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