"Spidey Senses"

If I could give humans a sixth sense, I would give them the ability to sense oncoming danger. While now some people experience this already, with the gut feeling that saves some lives, I think everybody should have this ability already. Giving people this ability will give people the opportunity to avoid dangerous situations, and may even give them the opportunity to save others lives. If people had this sense during catastrophic events that happened the death toll of these situations could be heavily decreased. Kids getting a gut sinking feeling as they're getting on the school bus could save them from being a part of the terrible school shootings that happen around the world. Although this sense could cause a lot of anxiety for those who can't pinpoint why the gut sinking feeling is happening, it would give people the advantage to avoid these things. It could in a way let people live life as much as they could. They could do fun, dangerous things like zip lining or even simple things like skiing or snowboarding. They could then arrive there and if they feel the gut sink feeling they can continue with their fun, and if they do feel it they just go home safely. This would create a more exciting lifestyle for a lot of individuals.



19 years old

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