The Solar System: A Collision

     A long time ago, there was one large planet.  Nothing on it was alive, and it was the only surface in the entire universe.  The reason it was totally deserted was that gravity on this planet was much too strong, causing everything that dared attempt to live on it to be smashed to death.  This planet remained to be the only one until a large amount of particles in the air began to come together, creating one large comet.  However, this comet was not able to have any life on it either, but for the exact opposite reason: This comet had absolutely no gravity, unlike the one large planet.  So this comet drifted through space for ten hundred years.  Finally it became a close enough distance for the large planet's gravity to begin having an effect on it.  So this comet started coming faster and faster towards the planet.  At some point in time, the comet split into three parts.  As the three parts separated around the planet, the planet finally brought the parts of the comet hurtling towards the planet.  They didn't stop going until the mass amounts of rock collided, rebounding remaining parts of comet.  Unfortunatly, the collision was strong enough to break apart the planet into fourteen smaller pieces.  Thirteen of the planets had a fairly small amount of gravity on them, however, the core of the original planet contained a large amount of gravity. This was because the core of the original planet was where most of the gravity was, and most of the gravity remained there.  This gravity kept the other thirteen pieces orbiting around it.  Later on, when life and intelligent species roamed the planets, they named this system the solar system.  And that is the name that it is still known by.  Though now, we know much more about it.



14 years old

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