The Smell of Things

I wish I could have a catalog of all the smells I've ever smelled
The playground in preschool
Hazelnut coffee on Christmas morning
My friend's personal scent (Baking bread, maybe? Home?)
I wish I could go through them in my mind
And remember what I was doing at that moment, who I was with

I think it would be amazing to go into my head
And open a filing cabinet (They would smell like the ones in my mom's office)
And find boxes of notecards with a smell written on them
If you held one up to your nose
You could smell the smell, too
Then your life would seem broad
An expanse of sensations that you could keep with you all the time
You've already done so much
Your life already has meaning

There are smells that I would love to revisit
The perfume of the woman sitting next to me at the opera
My grandparents' old house
The detanling spray I had when I was little
The croissant I got in Montreal
The subway in New York City
The bookstore in Boston
The smell of my first Christmas tree
Of my dog
Of the iron running over cotton fabric
The smell of my friends' houses
Of baking gingerbread
Of the record I found that was from 1953
The smell of old things
The smell of the cubbies we had in kindergarten
The smell of my old conditioner
The smell of you




19 years old

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