tiny rectangular black hole
sucking us all in
faster faster faster
Posted in response to the challenge Smartphone.
tiny rectangular black hole
sucking us all in
faster faster faster
Posted in response to the challenge Smartphone.
Being a Vermonter is spending six months of the year wearing a jacket.
Being a Vermonter is running outside in nothing but leggings and a sweater, thinking it’s springtime when it hits 47 degrees.
Just some little sentences, quick delights, really, jotted down on a tiny reporter's notebook during a flight from Burlington to Raleigh yesterday. Enjoy and remember that the world is full of delight!
I am eleven years old. I think freedom isn't what they say it is.
I live in the land of the free. I am free,
in most ways.
I can be a black belt.
I can be a published poet.
I can win money for my achievements.
I love this take on the challenge! In so few words, you HAVE explained what a smartphone is. I wonder how someone from another era would respond to this, what questions they would ask.
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