She's beautiful

I look up at the moon.
At her dust-covered crevices.
Her bright light guiding us through the dark.
She circles our planet.
Perpetually moving around our beautiful earth.
Earth's only natural satellite.
238,900 miles away; she’s close.
Close enough to reach…
but still so far.
That's why very few have ever reached her.
Claimed her for their own.
Placed a flag in her heart.
Trampled her with booted feet.
Simply unacknowledged by most.
Her beauty taken for granted.
But she is still there ready.
To guide us through the night.
A beacon to find us when we’re lost.
Her warm light comforting our pain.
In the bright light of day she rests.
She is beautiful, but in a different sort of way.




19 years old

More by fanslowp

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  • Tomorrow

    Tomorrow I hope that
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  • Replaced

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