She will

I saw you

The other day

Your face was wet

With tears

Your heart was slowly breaking

There were bags framing

Eyes that lost their spark

As if someone dumped water

In your soul


All your joy

When she is gone

She will still be

She will be

In the way you smile

In the way you talk

In the pictures on the wall

In the flowers surrounding you

She will want you to

Light the fire

Inside you

Never let anyone extinguish it

Especially yourself

She will want you to



Live your fullest life


Brighten the world

With your fire



12 years old

More by Gali

  • Silver arms

    Silver arms

    Reaching up


    And yet bearing


    A big middle


    Covered in patterned skin

    Big enough

    That my arms don't

    Wrap around

    The course outside

  • The moon

    Bathing me in a ghoulish glow

    Brightening the dark

    Staring at me

    Barely disturbed

    All the way up there

    Floating among

    The stars

    Simply being

    Bathing me in a ghoulish glow

    I love the moon