She just wanted to see the leaves(A version of rapunzel)

She looked out at the world

From her tower

Hidden away from the

Place she was told

Was once her home

Her hair was long



Out the window she saw

Mountains covered in color

Each leaf unique

So she decided

To leave her tower

She decided on her own will

No prince gave her the idea

She just wanted to see the trees

With their many colors

She climbed down

The hard stone

Scraping her feet

Her hair reaching before

She did

Making its place

Among the leaves

That scattered the ground

She landed in a pile

In awe

With her surroundings

She put her face to the sun

Watching the leaves fall

And then layed back down

Full of happiness

And bliss

Posted in response to the challenge Autumn '24: Writing.



12 years old

More by Gali

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  • The moon

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