The setting sun paints the sky a velvet pink--

The setting sun paints the sky a velvet pink--
delicate, so close my palms sweat with their 
phantom warmth

Warmth, for the clouds are red, 
and these days are short

Warmth, for these eyes have seen countless 
days of bitter cold

Of bitter hearts, of bitter minds

A sip of viscid anger, too



18 years old

More by infinitelyinfinite3

  • Salad

    I am standing in the bathroom, looking at myself in the mirror 

    Eating salad, the leaves all droopy and curled

    I like how my collarbones look in this shirt

    The one I told my mom I didn’t like 
  • I'm Back

    I'm back--who knows for how long
    I've put breath and sweat and tears into projects that do not serve me
    I am tired, my stomach overripe with angry, boiling resentment
    Thick citrus, biting my insides with bubbling teeth