This sensation

This sensation sticks in my chest--eager
I let it control my body 
with its cold coils, I let it drown my 
lips in the burning liquid of its release 

I watch the world float along behind me, 
reaching with branches like desperate, clawing 
bludgeoned for disrespect



18 years old

More by infinitelyinfinite3

  • Salad

    I am standing in the bathroom, looking at myself in the mirror 

    Eating salad, the leaves all droopy and curled

    I like how my collarbones look in this shirt

    The one I told my mom I didn’t like 
  • I'm Back

    I'm back--who knows for how long
    I've put breath and sweat and tears into projects that do not serve me
    I am tired, my stomach overripe with angry, boiling resentment
    Thick citrus, biting my insides with bubbling teeth