In the season of change...

Autumn is upon us, the season of change!

Soon the trees shall burn,

and the colors echo in the hearts of the valley.

And the river, endless winding thing,

is slowly turning icy cold.

Here we are, peering into this orchard of apples,

where children frolic, and families gather.

Over the mountain rests a farmer's market,

in a field where goats play and pumpkins roll.

Many take to the trails, and how can they not?

To walk amongst the trees of the dying wood is to know magic.

As the temperature descends, flannel becomes more common,

as well as scarves, hats, and gloves.

And in the evenings,

there is nothing better to do than to retire to your home,

and rest by the fire with a book and a warm drink.

Posted in response to the challenge Fall: Writing.



14 years old

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