
Whispers so cruel flood the news,

Filling many hearts with fear. 

Some listen to only what they want to hear. 

Their denial leaves a black and blue bruise. 

Leaving those less fortunate to scurry, 

As they turn a blind eye to the pain of millions.

Oh, but as long as it's not them, they don’t need to worry.



Ignoring the maltreatment of other human beings,

They go on with their lives, sparing no one’s feelings. 

It’s not until this tidal wave hits them will they care.

Oh, but this is all just a tactic to scare. 



Basic human rights are being taken, 

Stolen in the night before one can awaken. 

Watching eyes stay silent, 

Even when things cross the line; now violent. 

Oh, but it’s all fine because it doesn’t affect you yet.


Posted in response to the challenge Human Rights – Writing.



17 years old

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