The Rhythm of Optimism

Music fills my ears,

Pulsing through me,

Running through my blood along with my blood,

Synching the rhythm with my heartbeat.

The neatly planned out notes wrap around my thoughts,

Pumping them with energy,

Spreading their meaning into my ideas.

My movements become influenced,

My feet stepping to the beat,

My fingers typing with the melody.

I feel my mood lighten,

My troubles becoming less serious,

My happiness expanding as the song unfolds.

A layer of gold swaddles my mind,

Making everything much more optimistic,

My wildest dreams becoming more reachable.

My life lays out in front of me,

Bouncing along to the rhythm,

Following the lyrics,

Seeming less overwhelming,

Becoming less out-there.

Music fills my ears, 

Making everything seem more bright,

More optimistic,

More possible.



14 years old

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