
When I was small
I always thought trees were a  quick renewable resource
Always there and growing quickly
I never knew
That trees are living
That millions of trees are cut down every year
I never thought about trees as anything but wood
Now I know
That trees arent just things growing out of the ground
Trees are beatiful and living
They shouldn't be cut down and chopped
Trees are living things that eat and drink and move like us
Trees even put oxygen in the air and filter it through their leaves
We need more trees to make the air cleaner
We should stop cutting down so many trees
And replant them if we do



16 years old

More by Flowergirl12300

  • Today's Fears

    Teens are afraid
    We worry
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    We obsess over how we look
    We worry that we're not thin enough
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  • In the distance

    In the distance
    Lies a magical fantasy land 
    Where objects talk 
    And dragons fly
    Where dreams come true
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  • As the Sun Begins to Rise

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    The birds stretch their wings and wake everyone up with their singing
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