Reckless Abandon

Sometimes I feel like I'm not really living my life 
just an obsever watching from afar 
Like I have no control 
over the way I feel, or act
reckless abandon 
watching my life slowly,
fall apart
Driving my life over the speed limit
​Just to feel the rush of it all
Watching as my friends become more distant,
My family less loving 
My brain is confused,
by my lack of enthusiam 
For everything I used to enjoy 
My life is out of control, 
And it's headed for disaster. 



18 years old

More by Rocky_O

  • The Day You Died

    The day you died 

    We danced, sang, and laughed until we cried

    we filled ourselves with happiness until the sadness did subside

    At the end we simply said good night not goodbye

  • 17th Birthday

    A year older.

    A year wiser. 

    Time slips out from my grasp like the oceans tides, 

    Natural yet terrifying in the most nauseating way, 

    I’m sick of growing up.
  • Love Lost

    Love is felt most when its leaving 

    We cry for what once was 

    What could’ve been

    For the people We once were 

    Watching as it leaves

    Weary eyes, and tired feet