
Roses are red
  Violets are blue
      Your allergic to flowers you say?
          I am too.
gifts are expenisve
    I'm kinda broke
      I tried to make cookies-
        I ate them and choked.
tounge is in knots
   This could go so bad
      But prom is tonight and...
         I slipt on the sand.
Stars are so bright
     The night is so calm
         I'm glad I said yes
            When you asked me to prom!



YWP Alumni Advisor

More by Treblemaker

  • A Space Among The Stars

    To live in a space among the stars
    I'd have to get binoculars
    To see the dentist on the moon
    And find the next Uber at noon.
    To live in a space among the stars
    I'd have to float to school in cars.
  • Frost

    Its fingers were hot
    and cold and
    sweet and dark.
    All at the same time.


    It whispered in her ear.
    Her petals shivered.
    Its breath ran slowly
    her stem and
    tickled a leaf.