
Every day when I wake up

I feel as if

There is a wave above me

Ready to crash

Or as if I'm holding on

To a hand

As I hang off a cliff

And they might let go

I try to be prepared

For every scenario

But it's exhausting

Will the ice beneath my feet


Will I plunge into

Frozen water

Numbing my sense of reality

What would I do

If something happened

That I wasn't prepared for

If I misstep

And end up

In the unknown

If messing up means

Not being prepared

I won't mess up

Will I take a wrong turn

And end up

In a place with no light

No lanterns

No familiarity

I like to change things up

But I want to know

When the

Wave will crash

The hand will let go

The ice crack

What the wrong trail

May lead to

All I want

Is to





12 years old

More by Gali

  • Silver arms

    Silver arms

    Reaching up


    And yet bearing


    A big middle


    Covered in patterned skin

    Big enough

    That my arms don't

    Wrap around

    The course outside

  • The moon

    Bathing me in a ghoulish glow

    Brightening the dark

    Staring at me

    Barely disturbed

    All the way up there

    Floating among

    The stars

    Simply being

    Bathing me in a ghoulish glow

    I love the moon