Predicting and or Knowing the Future

Years ago, my friend Ethan told me that sometimes he had dreams where the events that happened in his dream actually happened in real life. I thought he was exaggerating the truth as most third-graders do until it happened to me. I don’t remember exactly what I dreamed about, but I do know that when I heard a certain sentence my dad said to me I realized that I had heard it before. Where I had heard it was beyond my 3rd grade brain, but all that I knew was that I had heard those exact words before and it was said in the exact same way. Years passed before it happened again; this time I recognized it from a dream that I had had over a month prior. It’s happened other times than just those two examples; each time it never ceases to amaze me that sometimes parts of my dreams come true. 

    Sometimes when we ice fish, I will look at a tip-up a couple of seconds before it goes up. After the third time that this happened, I somewhat convinced myself that I was a little bit Force-sensitive. Realistically this isn’t true, but it is a weird coincidence that this has happened more than just once. I wish I could say that I do this on purpose, but the reality is that it is just a coincidence that occasionally happens. A notable dream that I had about a month ago involved me riding a speeder bike away from my house and crashing into a pit full of old mandalorian helmets. I don’t have high hopes for this turning into a reality, but you never know...


Nolan Pepe


19 years old

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