
“Here you go!” Croaked the hobbling hag as she pushed the potion into my eager hands. The all-seeing potion almost slipped out of my hands, which were slick with sweat. I raised the green, bubbly potion to my trembling lips and tilted it back, swallowing it in one awful-tasting gulp. Everything spinned and blurred, so I closed my eyes. 

When I opened my eyes—Oh. My. God. At once, I see all 360 degrees.  When I touched my eyes, I felt a strip around my head. I thought, “That must be how I see everything.” 

As a guard of the Crown Prince of Romali, I had been asked to heighten my ability to protect the monarch-to-be, the other guards had also received that instruction. Thinking that the witch was my best option, I galloped over to her to get a potion to see in all directions. After the ambush on the prince while he slept, we only barely defended him against the unknown attacker. I don’t  want that to happen again.

The witch gave me goggles to look normal to others and I thanked her profusely, before hopping on my snow-white mare and galloping away into the rising sun, and smiled as I saw birds behind me.

I stopped at the castle gates, pulled out the key, and opened the gates with mighty effort as the aluminum bars seemingly reached into the heavens. I walked into the throne room, and hummed as I waited for the Queen.

 At last, she glided in gracefully and importantly. I had my back turned to her but saw her quite clearly before she spoke, “Hello, Alex.”

her voice was small but commanding when she asked.”What is your new ability?” ”Seeing in all directions” I answer in earnest. She tested me for a while,  seeing me fit to protect the prince against the new foe of Broger, her first order was to stand guard by the Prince’s door.



13 years old

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