The Portal (Part 2 out of 2 Parts)

My apologies in advance, this story could be unnerving for some people. (Read Part 1 to understand part 2!!) 

I was falling and I couldn't stop. It felt like hours until I landed but it was probably only minutes. I was winded and my hair was wild, my body felt like it had been stretched. And my back hurt from the landing, though luckily I had landed on something squishy. I looked under me, and almost gagged. I had landed on something dead. I didn't know exactly what it was but it was big and brown and bloody. And the smell. It was nauseating. Like burning flesh. The color red stained my white Vans a pinkish color. 
I jumped up. It squished under my feet. I swallowed the bile that pooled into my mouth. Something had killed this animal and somehow I knew it was coming for me to. 
I started running. The sound of animals howling echoed throughout the woods. It made me run faster. Every now and then an animal would let out a piercing scream, and I could tell whatever was making them howl like that; it was close.
I hid behind a tree and waited for longer than I needed to, just to be safe. At one point I tripped on a twig and had to cover my mouth so a scream couldn't escape out of it. I couldn't let It hear me. It being what was making all those animals howl.
My ankle was bleeding and it was bent at a weird angle. But I had no other choice but to keep running, though not as fast as before. 
Minutes or hours later, I couldn't go anymore. I sank down onto a rather large oak tree's trunk. My ankle was throbbing and I was sure it was broken. 
I closed my eyes just for a second. 
That's when I heard the scream. It wasn't like the other ones, it was high pitched and seemed like it could break glass. I knew that It was coming. I rose quickly to my feet, I had to grab the tree trunk to steady myself, my head spun from the lack of water and the searing pain in my ankle.
I didn't know where to go. 
A wind whipped my hair and pushed me forward. And somehow I heard something. I didn't know what it was at first and I thought it was nothing. But when I heard it again I was sure it was saying turn right. I had no other choices left. So I turned right. 
The wind seemed to carry instructions on where to go, left, right, turn. It was like a never ending game or tag but much, much scarier. As I ran I heard more animal howls. The sun was setting and it was getting hard for me to see. 
Finally the voice lead me to a cave. I was so wiped out that I just walked in not thinking about what was in there. Though I should have. 
It was cool in the caves and faintly in the distance I heard water dripping. 
I sat down on the cool rock ground. 
The sound of water dripping was getting louder and it was soothing me. I closed my eyes, sure I was safe. I wasn't. 
The sound kept getting louder and louder until it just stopped. Something told me to open my eyes. 
In front of me was a monster. It was so big and had antlers the size of a volleyball net. It's eyes like black holes, waiting to suck me in. It wanted to kill me. I couldn't let that happen. 
I got up and ran to the edge of the cave, where I entered. But it was too late. In one mighty step the thing was blocking the exit. 
The last thing I saw was it plunging it's anklet right into my heart.

. . . 

I woke up sweating. It was just a dream, I told myself just a dream.
Usually when I had nightmares I would go for a walk to calm myself and today was no different. I got up out of my bed, the floor creaking with each step. 
I shrugged a Athleta sweatshirt on and was about to put on my shoes, white Vans, when I saw that they were covered in blood so they were a pinkish color. 
They were the last thing I saw before the world melted around me and it all went dark. 



17 years old

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