PLEASE READ: Aerin's adventure (we dont know what to name it yet) FULL CHAPTER 1 and prologue

 This is part of the story that me, (EpicElle) and TheSilentPoet have been working on. We haven't finished the first chapter yet, but I'll edit this once we do. A brief explanation (we'll make this clear in the story sometime) So everyone in this story is an elf, and once elves turn 13, they go to the central land for the sovereign (a word for leader, or king, or monarch) takes this substance they were born with of their arm, and under it are markings. the markings tell you what job you were destined for, and then, when you get back to your tribe's home, (there are four tribes, fire, leaf, water, and moon.) you pack up for your job or start your job.  if you have any questions, ask them in the comments, because I have no idea if this will clear up all confusion. 


“Next is, um, Aerin Leafage? Come up to the stage.” I take a deep breath as I climb the stairs up to the platform. The sovereign looks at me, smiling. 

“Let’s see what your destiny is!” he says, lifting up his staff. The stone inside glows as he mutters a spell. There was an agonizing pain on my arm for a split second as the material that had cocooned my arm for as long as I lived was lifted. 

“You have the markings of a traveling merchant!” 

“What?” maybe I heard wrong.

“I said, you have the markings of a traveling merchant!” My heart dropped. I always thought I’d be a bounty hunter, especially after I won “Most deadly” and “Best at deceiving” out of the whole leaf tribe. 

“You go down now,” He whispers to me. I walk down the steps, putting a fake smile on for all the Central land.

“Eclain Moonlight, come up.” the sovereign says. I see a moon elf with long silky white hair and a light blue dress goes up to the stage. The sovereign takes the substance off her arm.
“You have the markings of a bounty hunter!” Oh, am I jealous.

Chapter 1   

    I’m finally back in Leaf forest, my home. I only get to stay for a short while because I am a TRAVELING merchant. I’m only allowed back when I’ve been to all the other tribes on the island, and the Central land, and I’m only allowed back for a week, then I have to leave again, then come back, leave again, you get the idea. When I’m packing a day’s worth of berries, My mother knocks on my room door (which is the second-largest RoomRoot In the Oak Stump we live in.) 

“I have something for you, Aer!” She says, and obviously is hiding something behind the door, and it’s something alive.

“Yes, Mother?” she opens the door, and there is a Flightfeather, a real Flightfeather standing right there!

“I thought this might help on your journey,” She says

“Of course it will! Flightfeathers are the fastest animal on land and in the sky, too! I’ll be able to come home sooner!” I give my mother a hug. “Thank you so much!” The Flightfeather purrs as I reach out to pet him. “I’ll name you… Korpiq!”  Korpiq gives another purr and flaps his wings. I hug him and my hair blends in perfectly with his feathers, a purple, not too dull, but not too bright, either. 

“I wish your father could see you,” Mother says uneasily. “He would be so proud.” My father died eleven years ago when I was two years old. I don’t remember much about him except for the fact he was a traveling hunter. I know talking about him makes mother sad, so I quickly change the subject. 

“Do we have material for a saddle?” I ask, carefully looking at Korpiq, trying to figure out how big the saddle would have to be.

“Yes, would you like it in Leafleather or Barkfabric?” 

“Leafleather, duh!” I say, messing with her, even though she should know I like Leafleather better.

“I’ll go get it!” She says, rushing out of the room. 

“So, Korpiq, you’re my pet now,” I say, scanning him up and down, more thoroughly now, “you sure you’ll keep up with me?” Korpiq makes a funny sound that I think is a laugh since Flightfeathers can understand English. “You’re going to be awesome, Korpiq!” He nods his head in agreement. If only we could afford the translation device for Flightfeathers, but I know we can’t. Mother must’ve sold so many things for such a good Flightfeather. As I’m thinking about it, I don’t see the woven rug that was by my room door anymore.   
    “Good-bye, Aerin!” Mother says, waving.

“Bye!” I say, getting up onto Korpiq, “I’ll try to come back as soon as I can!”

“I hope you’ll bring me some souvenirs!”  I smile.

“Of course, mother!” I say. As I’m going towards Elf lake, (home of the water tribe) I realize forgot to say goodbye to Adnap Der! She’s my best friend, even though she’s a year younger than me. I hope she doesn’t feel lonely while I’m gone, and hopefully, she’ll forgive me for not saying goodbye. With Korpiq, getting to Elf lake was not hard at all. It took maybe ten minutes, while walking would’ve taken me a day, at least. In Elf lake, they have a little forest before you reach the lake. I slow down to take in all the sights and sounds since I’ve never been to Elf lake before. I hear a rustle and then,


An arrow misses my head by an inch. 

“Who’s there?” I say, reaching for my throwing knives. 


Another arrow barely misses me.

“This is getting old, just come out of your hiding spot.” The next thing I know, a water elf is pointing his bow and arrow at my neck.



16 years old

More by EpicElle