
One crisp October morning, while the Fitz family was still counting their sheep, snug in bed, two exercise machines were hosting a heated argument (at least the thermostat said so!).
“Everyone has more fun with me!” the trifling treadmill boasted proudly.
“They go faster on me!” the petty Peloton shot back, to the brim with contempt.
“I’m bigger!” the treadmill shouted back heatedly.
“I’m prettier!” the Peloton spit, full with venom.
The drowsy couch just woke up from a filling nap, saw them discussing, and shrank back. However, the Peloton was on him quicker than its wheel spins while someone is riding it.
“Which of us is better?” implored the Peloton breathily.
“Ummmmm… You?”
''See? I’m better!” the treadmill and Peloton said to each other in unison.
As they ranted and argued, an alarm sounded upstairs and the machines reluctantly drew a truce (they are different and can’t compare to each other) and went back to their places, frozen once again.



13 years old

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