Perfect, Perfection, Perfectly


I know I'll never reach


No matter how hard I try

I can do better

I have to do better

I have planned out

The next 12 years

The college I'll go to

My grad school

I don't like making mistakes

Everything needs to fit

In my criteria

Perfection consumes me

Along with many other kids

Sometimes I wonder

If the idea of perfection

Is something I tell myself I need

But what if

Society has created

This unreachable standard

That millions of kids and teens

Try to reach

I know I can't do everything

In a way that will fit


But I need too

I fear of messing up

Of doing something

That doesn't fit a pattern

Or a plan that I have made

But what if

Someone told me

That I was ok

I can be satisfied

What if society

stopped trying to use cookie cutters

What if I stopped

Trying to do the unreachable



12 years old

More by Gali

  • So yea

    Don’t you dare call me dramatic

    Don’t you dare say I’m overreacting

    I am standing by what I said

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    So yea

    I had a choice

  • no one is ever as amazing

    Every women

    Every girl

    Is amazing

    You are amazing

    You are the sun

    Warming our life

    Brightening our day

    You are the glue

    That holds us together

    Keeping us safe

    You're doing great

  • Silver arms

    Silver arms

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    And yet bearing


    A big middle


    Covered in patterned skin

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    The course outside