One night I won't worry about old insecure men

At night

When my brain is flooded

With fears and worries

I think about

What will happen

If abortion isn't legal

If old men

Get to continue

To decide what

Happens to me

I don't think that

A kid

Should have to worry

About her rights

And yet I do




Maybe one night

I won't have to go to bed

With worries and fears

About people

Telling me

What to do

And one night

Old men won't be what

I worry about

And what they do

To girls like me

What they do

Because they're

Hungry for power


All so they

Don't feel so

Insecure about themselves

Because girls

Know that they are worthy

So one night

Old insecure men

Won't be in my brain

Filling me with fears



12 years old

More by Gali

  • So yea

    Don’t you dare call me dramatic

    Don’t you dare say I’m overreacting

    I am standing by what I said

    Your the problem

    So yea

    I had a choice

  • no one is ever as amazing

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    Every girl

    Is amazing

    You are amazing

    You are the sun

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    Brightening our day

    You are the glue

    That holds us together

    Keeping us safe

    You're doing great

  • Silver arms

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    And yet bearing


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