One Last Day

I woke up this morning knowing it's going to be the last morning like this. It’s the last morning I’m going to wake up on this place called Earth. I have a total of one day to do whatever I want before I have to live the rest of my life in space. A total of 24 hours and all I’ve ever known will be gone. At first, I had no idea what I was going to do. I decided that I was going to make this day like no other. 

I started the day off with a nice large cup of ice coffee, and of course, an everything bagel slightly toasted with cream cheese and avocado; the meal that could make any day a good day.

 I decided maybe it was a good time to do the things I love the most, I played some basketball in my driveway before going for a ride to see my favorite things. 

I turned the radio to my favorite station 101.3 WYKR when I got in the car to go for a ride. l had to roll the windows down so I could feel the breeze come in the windows. I couldn’t tell if I wanted to go so fast, I couldn’t see anything or I wanted to go as slow as possible so I could take in every little thing one last time. It didn't matter as long as I got to see it all once more before I left this place. I pick up my friend and off to the lake we go. I have one last day to make “Earth memories” so I’m going to make as many as I can. We have decided that we are going to take a boat to the middle of the lake, and have lunch there. As we ride to the middle of the lake all I can think about is how I’m going to leave this amazing place and I’m hoping that the next place is even better. Once we are at the middle of the lake we get out the food. We each eat a sandwich and can’t wait to get into the water. 

    It’s late afternoon and I’m ready for a good night's sleep but there's no time for sleep when you only have a couple hours left on earth. I decided it was a good day for a hike so I went for an early afternoon hike. The walk helped me clear my mind and the walk up and the view were amazing sights. On the way back home I got the best ice cream cone I had ever had. Most of my stuff is packed and ready to go up to space but I have my favorite outfit left out. I'm going to a party tonight. It’s round 9 o’clock, meaning I have a total of nine hours until I have to leave for space. Those last nine hours that I’m going to spend here are going to be the best of all time. I get to the party and it's a little crazy but what can you expect when all the humans on one planet are going to be sent to space to live there for the rest of time. 

    I left the party and for the rest of the morning I watched the stars. Now it is time for me to go live in space.

 Are there things that I wished I had done before leaving this amazing planet? Yes, of course, but you never really know what is going to happen. You always have to be ready for anything and live your life to the fullest. I would say even though I wanted to do more, my last day on earth was a great day. I can’t wait to see what is yet to come in space, but I’m sure that I’m going to make many more memories.



18 years old

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