The office that will haunt my nightmares

I take a deep breath as I step into the office, prepared to share the story of why I am there. I am welcomed with the sight of a stern face and cold eyes. Sitting down I started my story. "I'm being bullied," I say and then continue with the details. Only 30 seconds in I am interrupted by a loud sigh. I look up from my hands to see the cold eyes staring at me. She then proceeds to tell me a thing she heard, a month ago, out of context, that wasn't her business. I tried to explain because I know I would never ever say those things with meaning. I tried to tell her believe it or not that it was actually a game and she just happened to hear what I had to say and no one else. I stared at my hands as she went on, telling me it was my fault and that I must have given my bully a reason to bully me. All I wanted was to tell her what was going on and instead she flipped it around and made me into the villain. Tears welled up in my eyes and started dripping down my face. She looked at them with disgust and continued blaming me. My breathing got faster and my legs started shaking. Once again she looked at me and dismissed me. I tried so hard to tell her what was going on and how much it hurt me but it had led me here, shaking uncontrollably. Finally I was dismissed and I walked down the hallway, through the door, and into the fresh air where I allowed myself to sob and lose it completely. One thought came to my mind in full clarity, never would I ever step back into that office.



12 years old

More by Gali

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  • The moon

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    Staring at me

    Barely disturbed

    All the way up there

    Floating among

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    Simply being

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    I love the moon