Now that you're gone
I find numbers
And strange words that I don't understand
You used to protect me and what was mine
Now you are gone
You were beautiful and decorated
But elegant
I miss you every day
Now that you're gone
There are no more rainbows
The sky is gray now
In a shade that reminds me of you
How you used to be and how you used to feel
I don't know where you are
Whether you are lost
Or hungry
Whether you are tired
Of beating rain and puddles and plants
Maybe that's why you left me
Were you sick of being with me?
Were you sick of my conpany?
Tired of my words and thoughts and careless exclamations?
You were shelter
You were home
You were always there for me
Until you weren't
I never knew until you were gone
Now you are lost and empty and silent
Lost and empty
An abandoned snail shell that lies shattered and trampled in the mud
Now there is just an empty space
Where you used to live
Where you used to play and speak and be silent
Now you are always silent
I was cruel to you when you were there
I never understood how much you did for me
How much of yourself you gave
Every single day
I hope that you've found somwhere nice to be
I wish you could come back, my calculator case
I find numbers
And strange words that I don't understand
You used to protect me and what was mine
Now you are gone
You were beautiful and decorated
But elegant
I miss you every day
Now that you're gone
There are no more rainbows
The sky is gray now
In a shade that reminds me of you
How you used to be and how you used to feel
I don't know where you are
Whether you are lost
Or hungry
Whether you are tired
Of beating rain and puddles and plants
Maybe that's why you left me
Were you sick of being with me?
Were you sick of my conpany?
Tired of my words and thoughts and careless exclamations?
You were shelter
You were home
You were always there for me
Until you weren't
I never knew until you were gone
Now you are lost and empty and silent
Lost and empty
An abandoned snail shell that lies shattered and trampled in the mud
Now there is just an empty space
Where you used to live
Where you used to play and speak and be silent
Now you are always silent
I was cruel to you when you were there
I never understood how much you did for me
How much of yourself you gave
Every single day
I hope that you've found somwhere nice to be
I wish you could come back, my calculator case
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