An Ode to Baltimore

Angry drivers weave their way through the streets 
Babies wear purple banners 
Calves dripping with humidity's tears 
Dirty, dirty city 
Energy impatiently bounces on one foot. 
Forgotten buildings glumly watch through hollow eyes 
Glimmers of beauty push through 
Holding onto walls and history 
Ironic dat a OG chases the new 
Jurisdictions call out county lines 
Kampala will always be crazier but more special too 
Loose change(because free parking?: doesn't exist) 
Morning rushes, already late for work. 
Number the times I hear an ambulance wail
Organic plants aren't grown here 
Paint a battle by the bay 
Quantity overwhelms quality
Rain, rain, wash away disease so the 
Song of prosperity can be belted out again 
Talons guard the silver dome 
Umber skin with updos 
Vulgar language spilling red from my ears 
Wishing wells filled to the brim with empty broze promises 
X - tra black and white shadows 
Youthful misdemeanors kiss the streets 
Zipping gleefully around on scooters 




17 years old

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