Calm heat, the breeze, rolling out stresses. Beginning lap one around the house. Annie, running fast in doggy bliss. Lazily turning the corner, my daze broken as I watch in horror, my beloved dog ferociously barking at a bear family of three.
Church Street was abuzz with activity as I walked down the brick cobblestones. When I discovered a spot across from the restaurant, the diners there shifted in their seats, obviously bracing for unpleasant squeakiness.
“Think of what it’s like to behold a gorgeous sunset… we yearn to linger, to experience it all our days. Sometimes the beauty is so deep, it pierces us with longing. For what? For life as it was meant to be.
When I was a kid, there was nothing I wanted to be more than a Revolutionary War reenactor. I would don my Little House on the Prairie-esque dress and bonnet and go the events like the pole-capping and encampments a few towns over.
As we slip into summer break, I just wanted to express that school in the past year in the pandemic has been incredibly difficult and that everyone here deserves time to themselves this summer to do things that you love!
Write about a relationship (friendship, romantic, etc) you've had in your life that you've had to 'break-up'. Write about the 'break-up' from the other persons' Point Of Veiw. How did they feel? How were the affected?
Alli started at our house one summer when her dog ran away and Alli's mom had to go catch him. Alli was freaking out and very apprehensive about being left outside the apartment building with a random person she barely knew.