
  • Possession

    My English saddle is my favorite possession. If I could, I would live in the black leather saddle. It's comfortable to jump and gallop because it fits me. The saddle is important to me because I love horses and I love to ride.
  • Teddy Bears

    My teddy bears are named Tabo, Timber, and Piggy. They are furry and cute. Tabo is light brown and is a bear. Timber is also a bear and he is dark brown. Since Timber is older, he is less fat. Piggy is a pig; he is pink with brown spots.
  • My Dirt Bike

    My dirt bike is an XR 100 Honda 4-stroke with a 5 speed transmission. It has a red and black seat. It also has gray Ranthal grips with Dunlop tires and a gray chain. It does not have a lot of suspension.  It also used to be my Dad's bike.
  • Possessions

    My iPad model 6 is outstanding and I love it. It's been with me through thick and thin although it's very old and slow. It has a red and blue case to match my Nintendo Switch. I play 75% of my games on it though the screen is miniscule.
  • My Coloring Kit

    My coloring kit has an imaginary cover. For example it has cats with fish tales, a giraffe parachuting and other crazy things. If you open it you will find markers, crayons and colored pencils.
  • Untold Story

    Looking back at my past I've never had really been told and story, riddle, or anything like that.
    Like ya i've been told about santa, the easter bunny, and the tooth fairy, but I fould out quick that it was all just a lie.
  • Hard to understand?

    At this point things are just confusing at this point, My mind is like its fighting itself over something even if both are wrong, I wish my mind wasn’t like how it is,I wish it could things right for ones, for it to do good things for myself instead
  • first grade

    It was a cold but warm day. I walked into the school and wandered the halls to find my classroom. A large door appears out of nowhere and slightly creeks open as I push.
  • first grade

    The first day of first grade my mom woke me up with breakfast sandwiches. It was waffles,bacon,egg and cheese. Then after we finished breakfast we rushed to school. I was super excited. Then we got there and the principal started talking.