

In the darkness, trouble stirs

Whispers louder grow

Trains howl into the night 

Below boards, breath is slow

Ignorance begets complacency

Indifference boils down to hate

Forgotten in the tides of age

Forgotten is the repetition of fate

A horror dismissed out of hand again

History cannot recall

What happened in 1941

Is enough to disturb us all

And in the night of naivete

Shivering winds will chill

Re-emerging from reddit chats

Symbols of hate designed to kill

When 6 million people are gone

And evil spreads across a land

To forget is a foul crime

And to remember is god's command

The morning must mount the sky 

We reckon with remembrance 

And though the deed is bloody and cruel

Never will we forget its semblance


Cynder Malin-Stremlau


15 years old

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