My Secret

You know that thing that eats away at you but you know you can’t tell a single soul? We all have those secrets. We have small secrets, like you knowing who likes your best friend. But we also have the big secrets, like a shadow that follows us around, but when we look, it's gone. Some people have their secret keepers. But my secret is the type you don’t talk about. You might write about it, but if you do there's a chance the writing can be found. I will take the chance of the writing being found over trusting someone with a secret like this…

Here's a little backstory...My parents are the curious type. They build these weird things like time machines. No one knows what they really do except for them. 

One day, when I was seven, I went into my parents shop. Everyone was in bed so I thought no harm could be done. I started to play with these so-called machines. I was pushing buttons and pulling levers. Everything was different when I walked outside. Scared, I ran back into the shop, hit all the buttons, and pulled all the levers. Nothing was changing. I went to explore because what else could go wrong? 

I walked down the road and came to a small town. Everything seemed the same, but different. It was definitely the town that I had grown up in but everything seemed better. The sun was higher in the sky. Things were newer, cleaner. Just everything was so much better. Now I’m a pretty smart kid (not to brag) but I was lost. I went into a shop and there on the wall was a calendar the date was the same, so obviously it wasn’t time travel. I never really believed all that stuff about time travel but I could tell something was way off. I went to my house which is not that far from the town and this is where it gets even crazier. I saw my family and myself. We looked the same as always but the way we were acting is like we were much happier and nothing could go wrong. I had had enough. I went back to the weird machine my parents had made and I was going back, back to the normal times. 

     Somehow I had made it back. I still think about that night to this day and I have finally understood what had happened. There is more than one view on life and the particular machine that my parents had built can bring you to see the different views. You might be thinking this isn't a secret. Your parents built it this way so it was possible to see the different views on life. Well, if you are thinking that, then you are wrong. See I already told you I’m a smart kid and I know when my parents lie. Not two days after I had used the machine, they told me that they had to destroy that particular machine because it wasn’t working. 

To the people that read this piece of writing, I now know that there is more than one view on life. So far I have never met anyone that knows the same things as I do. So my big secret is I know how to travel and find different views one life.




18 years old

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