For my best friend

Flecks of light dance within your eyes,
gray or blue or green, always changing
with the seasons, with your mood,
with the shade of the flourescents
with your eccentric thrifted clothes,
with the rest of you that shifts and morphs into something new
every time I blink
no matter what, I love you

You take my hands and smile
as we glide around the room, lights flashing all around us,
wobbly, on roller skates, 
maybe we'll fall
but maybe we won't 
and so I hold on
no matter what, I love you

We sit on thrones made of snow, we dip marshmallows into a fire,
we're laughing, joking, going crazy
I don't even know what we're saying but
I just want to stay right here with you
the one I trust
the one who trusts me
no matter what, I love you

We run across rolling green hills
as summer stretches high in the sky above us
we sing our hearts out, every musical we know
I learned all these lyrics from you
I learned everything 
from you
and as we lie on the ground under the cloudless blue sky
I squeeze your hand
no matter what, I love you

We're up in my room, I'm whispering secrets no one else knows
this time, not to the moon, not the stars
but to you,
my moon, my stars, my planets, my galaxy
my everything
I found you in June, now I have you in March
and I never want to let go 
no matter what, I love you

You smile behind my eyes whenever I'm about to cry
I'll walk to the ends of the earth with you, I'll hold your hand forever
I'm by your side for eternity, you're stuck with me, I promise
and I'm not sure if you knew this
so I just wanted to say,
no matter what, I love you



14 years old

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