
By Gretchen Fitzgerald

Music is a very powerful thing. It can make you feel like you’re on top of the world. You can also fall into a deep, dark, dungeon while listening to it. Sometimes, you float through the notes on a cloud. Other times, you feel a sharp, piercing pain in your heart with the beat of every powerful note. Music is like Mother Earth, being sweet, and kind, one minute, and stabbing you in the back with a natural disaster the next. Music is unpredictable, like a dog that you think might bite. It is beautiful and dangerous at the same time, as if it is pulling you down a calm stream. You are drifting peacefully, you can only hear the quiet ripple of the water below you. The water starts thundering when you approach the quick, unpredictable rapids. Suddenly, everything is eerily silent. There are no waves or ripples. Around a bend, you hear the raging, rumbling, roar of the waterfall ahead, as you go faster and faster towards the peak; the bridge between life and death. The climax of the piece, just like the climax of a story, is intense, and powerful. The melancholy, somber, sadness of the resolution could almost be unbearable, if not for the serene uplift at the very end. Music can both build, and break you. It can push you down, and pull you up. The words are the most powerful thing in the world. More powerful than violence and hatred. More powerful than the feeling you get when someone says something bad about you behind your back. Music is shaping the world. It weaves through our lives, connecting us all by a thin string of love. This string is the only thing that will stay, forever, unbroken. Though we are separated by different cultures, religions, false assumptions and twisted tales, we will always have in common, a love for one very powerful thing, music.



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