On Moths and Butterflies

You must never touch a butterfly

and fear its fragile wings

for if you touch a butterfly

what horrors your touch brings


The dust glitters as it falls

and the insect starts to wilt

for like the flowers on which it feeds

its lovely death brings guilt. 


But make sure to kill the moth

that ugly, furry thing

it's circling the porch light

like that lantern is its king


you must kill it quick and hard

as it's flying from its fate

the lantern is its only hope

and yet its perfect bait.


But dust glitters as it falls

from the moth's beige colored wings

for only when it's dead and gone

you see life to which it clings.




16 years old

More by GertietheGremlin

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    we see the world gray 

    and we know it's the fault of our own 


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  • Pen Pal

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  • Where Life Begins

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    nor thought the grass would still be green.

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    who I still talk to now and then.

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