Monarch Sisters

There once were two sisters of Monarch,
Who filled the world with love and grace.
They were nameless twins of nobility,
Within the nameless room, they were home.

They dwelled in the forest of dancing leaves,
Their only pass time without wandering eyes.
Amidst the birds and bees they played,
Forgetful of the dangers that befell them at home.

Monsters roam beyond the walls of their confinement,
Looking for delicious souls to eat. 
The twins were perfect and would come to take a bite.
They were too good to resist and took a bite every chance they got.

Despite their missing parts, the Monarch twins continued to play,
For days, this continued, until one day the twins did not come to the forest.
They have been unable to grow their missing parts back.
The Monarch sisters lay to rest on the cold floor until one of them didn’t wake.

The saddened twin called to her sister, but her calls couldn’t reach the empty husk
Her sister’s once beautiful orange hair turned pitch black
And her bright, freckled face grew pale and sick. 
She was not whole anymore and cried a river of tears.

She held her sister as the tears washed over her orange hair
The once sweet little girl had now become sour.
In the distance, the monsters came to take another bite.
They stopped in their tracks, their noses wrinkled in disgust.

They did not have a taste for sour girls and put their buckles back on.
As the lone sister cried, a light from the midnight wind called to her.
The light looked upon the girls, drowning in a river of salt tears.
“I pity you,” said the light. “What is your wish?”

The sister pleaded to the light, in a raspy voice she said,
“Give us another chance! Let my sister live with me forever.”
The light looked at the pitch-black sister and agreed. 
The sister kissed her other half on the head and prepared for departure.

Now, they were reborn as a butterfly, their wings a black and orange.
They fly and grow, those monarch twins together forever.



YWP Alumni

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