MLK Day 2021

MLK Day 2021.
About seven months ago 
George Floyd was killed.
And so many others as well
because of their race.
How long will it take until
our world can be filled with peace?
How long will it be until
our world is swallowed with equality?
How long must we wait until
our world can live in justice?
How long will we suffer until
our world explodes with love?
Martin Luther King Jr. wanted peace, equality, justice, and love.
He fought for peace, equality, justice, and love.
He gave his life in trying to bring peace, equality, justice, and love into our broken world.
Yet here we are today.
Still dealing with racism and bullying...
but we can make a difference!

We can change the world so that
future generations will not have to experience
the unjust environment we live in today.
We can change the world through our acts!
Our thoughts and our words!
And any other ways our creative minds can think of!
May we share our love and extend our hands
towards people of all race and ethnicity.

Our world is in need for a change.
A good, positive, heartwarming change.
Our world is waiting for a change.
A good, positive, heartwarming change.
May we be the ones to make that change!
That good, positive, heartwarming change.



17 years old