The Miracle of Trees

I can remember being five years old, sitting cross-legged on the floor and finding out that trees breathe. That they inhale the carbon dioxide we humans puff into the atmosphere, and release the oxygen we chug every second of our lives. I can remember this because I thought it was the coolest thing ever. A tiny lightbulb probably appeared over my little head- trees breathe out, we breathe in! We breathe out, trees breathe in!- or at least that’s how my teacher explained it. To this day that’s how I picture it in my head- I assume there’s a much more complicated, scientific explanation for this process, but I’ve never bothered to open Google and learn about it. I can’t explain exactly why, but I loved the idea of humans and trees giving each other life: in, out, in, out, in a continuous cycle of beating hearts and waving branches. In Vermont, it’s hard to go outside and look in any direction without seeing a tree. Oaks, maples, pines, birches. They’re sort of the only scenery you get on long car trips. Whenever I remember this moment from when I was five, I feel like I should thank them. There are just so many, though, so I say one quick thank you for beautiful, fresh air, and go back to arguing with my family about what music to listen to.



18 years old

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