This mint-without-mint makes me smile as I pop it into my mouth
It melts comfort onto my tongue and rubs happiness through my cracked lips
This mint-without-mint makes me smile because
It’s the closest I ever get to eating conventional candy
And I don’t like the leafy fresh taste of real mint.
This mint-without-mint makes me smile because
I read the label
I saw that as I suck on this mint-without-mint
My teath are cleaned
I imagine this little, lemon, lovely piece of sweet
I imagine it sucking the barnacles off of my cavities
That don’t exist
this mint-without-mint makes me happy
And that is enough.
It melts comfort onto my tongue and rubs happiness through my cracked lips
This mint-without-mint makes me smile because
It’s the closest I ever get to eating conventional candy
And I don’t like the leafy fresh taste of real mint.
This mint-without-mint makes me smile because
I read the label
I saw that as I suck on this mint-without-mint
My teath are cleaned
I imagine this little, lemon, lovely piece of sweet
I imagine it sucking the barnacles off of my cavities
That don’t exist
this mint-without-mint makes me happy
And that is enough.
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