Minotaur Maze

The maze was enormous and Kassandra wasn’t even sure if there was an end to it. She had been travelling through the maze for almost a full day now and she hadn’t found the minotaur which was the reason she had gone in there in the first place. When she was little her parents entered the maze hoping to find and kill the famous minotaur that was trapped in there. Kassandra waited for a whole year but her parents never came out of the maze. After that she dedicated her life to becoming a strong warrior and using her strength to kill the minotaur for her parents. 

Unfortunately she hadn’t found it yet but that wasn’t her problem because she had prepared to stay in here for a few days maybe even a few weeks. She had brought a ton of food that would last her for at least two weeks and water that would last her even longer. Her problem was that she was impatient and a little nervous. She was confident in her abilities but she heard people talk about the minotaur and how strong it is. They say it’s stronger than a whole army. Thankfully Kassandra didn’t just have strength, over the years she had learned some techniques from her previous experiences with giant monsters. She had fought a few cyclops’ and a chimera before and even a griffin but for some reason the minotaur scared her the most. Probably because both of her parents had fought it and died. At least she thought that’s what happened, but for all she was concerned they could have never found it and just died of thirst or starvation in the labyrinth without ever getting a glimpse of the minotaur. 

Kassandra decided to stop thinking about the minotaur and instead she set up a little bed and ate some food. When she was halfway through her meal she heard footsteps somewhere nearby. They kept getting closer and closer and when they were just about near her she pulled out her sword. To her surprise it was not a huge monster that greeted the end of her knife but a tiny hairy creature with two horns on its little head. The little creature started to cry at the sight of the knife near its face so Kassandra put it away. She quickly tried to sooth the creature and eventually it stopped crying. Kassandra was very confused. This couldn’t possibly be the famous minotaur, maybe it was its offspring? But how could it have a child if it was the only one of its kind? 

Kassandra pondered this for a little but quickly turned her thoughts back to the little minotaur. The child started to walk away so she decided to follow it. It kept leading her through the maze and eventually it stopped in front of an opening of an enormous cave. Kassandra was a little afraid of what lived in that cave but she had come this far so she wasn’t going to turn back now. Even if she did she had no idea how to get out of this maze anyway. So Kassandra took one of the magically lit torches from the wall and started entering the cave. Apparently the tiny minotaur didn’t want to join her so she went in alone.

As she got further into the cave she started to hear hissing coming from in front of her. She went a little closer and lifted her torch up to see a large reptilian face staring at her. Immediately she knew what she was looking at. It was another famous monster even deadlier than the minotaur. It was a real terrifyingly ginormous hydra. Kassandra just stood there for a second in shock. When she had entered the maze she had expected to find a big minotaur who had killed her parents but instead she had found a tiny minotaur who couldn’t have possibly killed any human and a giant hydra who was the most likely suspect to have killed her parents. Kassandra didn’t know what to do. Should she run? Or should she fight? 

Before she had time to decide one of the giant heads lunged at her. She quickly rolled to the side. The hydra had made up her mind for her. Kassandra lunged forward and tried to slice the hydra's head off. The hydra doged and lunged back. It nearly bit off her leg but she dodged just in time. Kassandra and the hydra kept dodging and lunging at each other and eventually Kassandra noticed that no other heads had attacked her yet. In fact she didn’t remember seeing any other heads. While Kassandra thought about this she got distracted and one of the hydra's teeth made a huge gash on her leg. She fell to the ground but quickly got back up and staggered towards the hydra. This time the hydra knocked her all the way to a wall with its tail. Blood started to drip from her forehead. 

She got up a little slower this time and dodged the hydras next attack. They kept dodging and lunging again and this time the hydra was the one who got injured. She made a huge cut with her sword near the hydra's head but it didn’t quite cut it off. They kept cutting each other and dodging for a while when finally Kassandra struck the final blow. Once the head was cut off she quickly grabbed her torch and set the place where the head used to be on fire. Afterwards she examined the body and saw that the rest of the heads had been severed too and had not grown back. Someone else must have been in here and fought the hydra then the last head must have killed them. Maybe it was her parents. The thought of her parents almost slaying the hydra made her proud but she wondered why they couldn’t kill it. 

Kassandra grabbed the hydra’s head and pulled it out into the maze. The tiny minotaur was still standing there. It looked like it was waiting for her to come out. Once Kassandra made it all the way out of the cave the minotaur grabbed onto the head and started helping her pull it. The minotaur was surprisingly strong and it was a big help in pulling it. The tiny minotaur also knew the way out of the maze and he showed her. When Kassandra started walking out the minotaur stopped helping her and stayed inside the maze. Kassandra thanked the minotaur for its help and started on her way home.


E. Lauer


18 years old

More by E. Lauer

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