
My heart is racing faster than I could possibly run. He has me trapped, there's nowhere to go but forward, I slow down to take in my surroundings, the walls on all sides of me 15 feet high, the dogs barking in the distance behind me, I sigh. Something about me just knew that I couldn't give up. I didn't want to be forgotten and left to die here. I try to catch my breath as I move forward through this damn maze, knowing I might not make it out. 

    The man that had put me into this horrible maze was Jack Stockingbury. He had hired me to mow his lawn, but as it turns out he has very little lawn and instead a maze. When I drove up his driveway to his majestic Victorian I was oblivious to my gut telling me something was wrong, which was confirmed when I opened the door and was violently put into handcuffs and chains. Mr. Stockingbury then proceeded to tell me all about himself and his love for mazes, and that if I made it through the maze I would be rewarded with 1,000,000 dollars as long as I didn't say anything to anyone. He was a sick, cruel, and terrible man, he talked about people dying in his maze with a smile on his face, like he was reliving a childhood memory. I couldn't say no, I had no choice, and that's how I ended up being chased by hungry hunting dogs through a maze. 

    I drove the thought that I might not make it out away from my mind and tried to focus on the good things, which there were no of, which then led me back to the bad thoughts. In the end I decided to concentrate on getting out. The only resources I had were a compass (which Mr. Stockingbury had so kindly given me), his house up on a hill in the distance, which I knew was near the exit of the maze, and my wrist watch. The dogs barking was getting closer, I had to go, I jogged on through the maze hoping to put some distance between me and those dogs but also hoping to get closer to the exit. I took two rights, went straight, then left, right, left left, straight, right, and came out into a small open square room with no roof. Each wall had a passageway, I put a stick at the one that I came out of. I assumed this was the middle of the maze which meant I was making progress. After I caught my breath I began down the passageway on the left of the one that I came in from. But soon regretted it as I could hear the dogs coming closer and closer then as I started to run back towards the middle ten dogs came barreling around the corner behind me gaining fast. I should have known there were two packs of dogs, but that didn't matter now I was running as fast as I could. I skidded to a stop in the square room, I saw the stick on the ground and dashed the opposite way of it going down the other passageway. I looked back and the dogs were now ten feet from me, the white of their teeth stood out against the dark angry black of their eyes. I was approaching a fork  in the passage but I couldn’t decide left or right, left or right, or right and at the last second I slipped left making the dogs lose some ground. I could feel myself getting tired but I couldn't slow down or I would be eaten by dogs, so I kept going left, right, straight, left, left, right, left, right, right, straight. I could see the huge house getting closer and closer. Hope was starting to fill my body giving me more and more strength to push forward. But the dogs were still behind me. They were slowing down along with me getting tired, but they were hungry so they kept on along behind me thirty feet back. Then up ahead I saw cobble stones along the ground that had fallen from the wall. This was my chance to win, to make it out alive. I saw the spot the stones had fallen from, it was reachable. I jumped and tried to grab the ledge but couldn’t. The dogs were closing in now with reinvigorated energy I had one last chance to get up before they reached me, so I jumped up and my left hand found a small grip in a indent in the rock, my right slipped from the rock but I quickly grasped back farther and found purchase in a crack between rocks. I pulled myself up with the dogs jumping and biting at my shoes. Then I slowly climbed my way to the top of the wall, and from there I could see the exit. 

I made my way to the exit by walking along the top of the wall then I slid down and got off of Mr. Stockingbury's property as fast as possible, not wanting or caring about the money. I scaled a fence then ran 1.5 miles home. The next day there was a check in my mail for $1,000,000. I packed up my favorite things and used the money to move as far away as possible and buy a new house. 



18 years old

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