
    Left or right? Either way I’m going to end up somewhere. Whether or not its right is the question. I left the start line at 5:00 and I have four hours to get to the middle to win the prize. Well I would say win the prize, but it’s actually you get to keep your life. Make it to the middle of the maze in four hours and you keep your life; otherwise you die. Seems easy, right? Well not exactly. There are other things in the maze you could lose your life to. Another thing you may ask is why am I doing this? I had no other choice.

    6:00. I look at my watch again. It has already been an hour. There were twenty including me. I have heard at least four scream in pain meaning they were gone. So far so good for me. I’ve made it this far. I’m about to turn the corner and encounter my first obstacle. It’s something I would expect. It's a human I just keep walking. I don’t know what's going to happen. They pull out a whip but they don’t use it on me. Instead they hit the maze. At first nothing happens, but then the sides of the maze start to get closer. Something makes me stop trying to fight and I let the maze take me in.

    7:45. I slowly start to feel my legs. I have an aching in my head and it feels like I’ve been hit by a truck. I’ve lost so much time. By now I have an hour and fifteen minutes to get to the middle. I have this weird feeling that I’m close to the middle. I take the next left and then a right. I keep going knowing I’m getting close. All of a sudden there is a river. There seems to be nothing wrong with it so I walk right through. Something doesn't feel right so I look at my watch and it says 8:50. It took me an hour and five minutes to walk through that river.

    Ten minutes left and I have no idea what to do. I run because there is nothing else to do. I either win or die trying. At a full out run I take lefts and rights not knowing what to do. Everything starts to fade in and out. The maze is out of focus and I’m confused. Slowly, I start to hear things that weren’t there before. My eyes start to open and that's when I wake up and notice that it was all a dream. No scary maze that eats me. Nothing like that at all. Just the smell of breakfast in the morning.




18 years old

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