The Loyal Forest

She sighed, laying her head back against the tree. How lucky she was, to have this loyal forest, all to herself. This forest that loved no other, that spoke not of her secrets but only of the beauty of its children.

And how precious they were, the forest children. The trees and little ferns, the waterfalls and toadstools, the frolicing hares and hungry wolves.

Everyone in her village would say the forest was dangerous, that they could not be trusted, but they had never known the woods the way she did.

The girl sat up, gazing at the branches above her. The wind whistled through, rattling the leaves, producing a whisper. 

"Bryony," it said. The girl smiled at the sound of her name. She stood up, stretched and threw herself into the tree, climbing as far up as she could get.

She looked out over the forest, her loyal loving forest, and smiled. She leaned back, and laid down to rest, knowing the trees would catch her should she fall.

Posted in response to the challenge Loyalty.



14 years old

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