Lonely Companionship

I am lonely.

I always have been.

Wandering through countless days 

and endless nights.

Even the sun 

abandons me eventually.

But not the moon.

With it's radiant glow

and it's shining smile.

The moon is 

my one true companion.

It's friendly silence

makes me feel

just a little less alone.

Posted in response to the challenge Lunar.

Fainting Goat


15 years old

More by Fainting Goat

  • I Promise You

    I promise you I care

    This I know for sure.

    I promise you I’m here

    Just maybe not to stay.

    I promise you I’m fine

    Just in my own way.

    I promise you I’m trying

    I swear I always have been.

  • Teenager

    I am a teenager

    My life is not simple

    I am traumatized and scarred

    And doing my best

    But it seems like adults can’t see this

    All they see is an anxious little girl

    Who doesn’t seem to care

  • If Only

    If only I’d never met you

    If only I had been stronger

    If only I had seen sooner

    Just how abusive you are

    If only I hadn’t let you

    Turn my life to ruin

    If only I hadn’t tried