Listen Up

Broken to pieces,

Shattered like a mirror,

A perfect world, now a dystopian fantasy.

A world in disarray, a solution far from known.

Numbered days, slipping through our hands like sand.

Fake urgency, sugar-sweet voices of the politicians,

Giving reassurances for a vote, unreasonable proposals for peace of mind,

 While telling themselves “Oh, well I tried.”

Trying is not enough, WE cannot try to save OUR world.

WE have to save OUR world.      


OUR world is on fire,

Fueled by want, greed, 

And the inability to see what is right in front of us.

Thousands of ideas and solutions carelessly wasted,

To keep the problem hidden, a secret  

Kept quiet to “avoid public panic”

Yeah, right 

YOU hide until the problem has grown too large,

Like the tsunami, eagerly waiting to crash upon the shore.

Ashamed that as adults you’ve denied the fact, and turned to fiction for consultation,

That everything would be all right, it's a hoax, fake news.


Wake up. 

Take you head out of the sand and see what's already happening, 

Forests are disappearing, same with the coral,

IceCaps melting, just like our patience.

We’re done waiting for the political leaders to see past money,

Done being told we’re too young, that we don’t know what's going on.

WE are the rising generation, driven by the concern of OUR future, because of YOUR mistakes. 

If you won’t do something WE will. 


Because of YOU,

Generation to come left with the broken remains of a perfect world gone to waste,

Left to clean up the mess that WE didn’t fight hard enough to clean up.

Maybe they’ll never see a blue sky free of the grey smog that blocks the sun,

Killing all the plants leaving food to be grown within labs.

Maybe they’ll never see the coral reefs, the amazon rain forest only pictures.

OF what once was, and is no longer.

Of the world that WE took advantage of,

That WE left for ruin,

That WE weren’t willing to save. 


What WE are doing is not enough it never will be.

It is almost certain that the world I’ve depicted is the one I will live my final years in.

This does mean that WE can not do everything WE can.

In a last resort final push, to tell them to listen.

Listen to the voices of the people in Hotan, China 

Where air Pollution is now some of the worst in the world.

Ask the native people of the Maldives,

Their home, expected to be gone within 30 years.

Climate change is not many small battles, it is one battle WE have to fight together.



18 years old

More by Rocky_O

  • The Day You Died

    The day you died 

    We danced, sang, and laughed until we cried

    we filled ourselves with happiness until the sadness did subside

    At the end we simply said good night not goodbye

  • 17th Birthday

    A year older.

    A year wiser. 

    Time slips out from my grasp like the oceans tides, 

    Natural yet terrifying in the most nauseating way, 

    I’m sick of growing up.
  • Love Lost

    Love is felt most when its leaving 

    We cry for what once was 

    What could’ve been

    For the people We once were 

    Watching as it leaves

    Weary eyes, and tired feet