A list of things

Im finding out things. 
A list of them, 10 of them, all neatly lined up.

1. Change is hard, it hurts, there are good parts and there are parts where you say fuck this. But there are still good parts. 
2. Breathing is vital in every single moment. No matter the circumstance, no matter how hard it is, if you wanna live, youre gonna have to do it. 
3. The creation of Adam, Sistine Chapel...God is painted inside what looks like a red cloak, but is shaped exactly like a uterus. Which would suggest that God did not create man, that He Himself came from something that is only part of a Woman's anatomy. If you are now questioning your creation and every single person around you...you are not the only one. 
4. Aleeve and Ibuprofen do exactly nothing for a headache that is caused by a sickness you thought you'd defeated. So, you get used to the constant pounding in your head and smile and nod when asked if youre ok. 
5. Of course youre ok. Why wouldnt you be? Just Smile, be Happy. 
6. People are complicated, and you have to be patient with them. Especially the ones you love. 
7. Everything is complicated. Life, people, finding clothing in the morning before school.
8. Best friends leaving feel a little like the end of everything, even when you know you'll see them again.
9. The exit sign means there is simply a way to get out of the room and/or building. It does not mean you can exit the conversation you don't want to be in.
10. I think I hate lists. 




18 years old

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