A List

If my body is 60% water, the other 40% is made out of / Taylor Swift lyrics / poems I will never finish / speeches I want to write / directions to my sister's college / people I wish I could forget / sugary sweet iced coffee / really nice things said about me by children / really terrible things said about me by my peers / outfit ideas / the color pink / conversations I've had / Reeling in the Years by Steely Dan / existential dread / worries about tomorrow / academic burnout / the need for validation / advice people think I need / advice I am ready to give / motherly love for my friends / forehead kisses / Notes app drafts / things I want to tell them but will never leave my tongue / others' perceptions of me / my close friends' story posts / being scared for my sister / being hopeful for my friends / Criminal Minds, season 3 episode 9 / regret for my words / words that could kill / being the little girl that teachers sat next to the problem boy / I can fix him / wondering if people have thought they could fix me / smoke screens / encouragement from adults that I don't need / things I do for my friends so they feel loved / worry and regret / apologies I won't ever say / APUSH Quizlets / tears over things that I am afraid of / and probably, some atoms.




18 years old

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