limited lakes of pure power

voiceless people in crowds

vigorous lives we live


harmful visions I see

hilarious thoughts I am made to think


please do not forget where you are going.

you had dreams and visions and plans

 please don't forget who I am supposed to be.

who we are?


we aren't only human

we are spirits

beautiful souls that gain baggage and knowledge

innate anthropologists that study and learn and evolve

then we shed skin and see each other and ourselves clearly

no longer will skin distract from your inner beauty


the baggage will shed

the tears will shed

you will see faces and stars and wondrous things

you won't belong to only one person

or to only some people

you will be connected by lives

strings that are intertwined and overlapping constantly

divisions of the same creation that are sent and retrieved once they have learned what they needed to learn


a melody that pulls and superposes all of everything ever created

a light world made of pure manna

a light world where those who do right are welcome


please, tell me you haven't forgotten to stay true to this path.

you mustn't be tempted to give in and slip into the land of the unforgiven

not hell, rather a loop you may never escape until you learn


we've been here before

you need to open your ears and eyes

and your heart

your time is almost up

can you confidently tell me that you have learned as much as you can?



15 years old

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