Letter to myself

Dearest me, 
Drowning in a 3 foot pool, who punches holes in walls,
And paint seeps into the cracks of your skin, who glues back 
broken hearts like delicate china.
Ashes raining down on the water growing flowers and weeds,
Your unknown distant friends and the friendly giants closest to you.
The whispers from colored leaves, cold tea, the make believe lovers 
And when you dive into beautiful stories becoming one with their tales.
Dragons fire burns and pipes into your lungs,
and unfilled wishes you made on shooting stars.
The Pleads for fresh air and light, sweets, and sugar delights. 
A need for one last epic warriors fight 
before the snuff of the spark in the night, 
Giving it my all, my pumping blood red veins to thy heart 
Using us to win the battles they know are scarring our mind.
Taking lilacs giving them to the grave in which my body has been lain down to rest,
The fight not being what took me but Man's greed, evil yellowy smiles
Seeping black lies through their teeth, Gluttony stuffing their faces
Food falling from their mouths onto a golden floor while others starve, 
Kings sitting atop thrones built off wars, pain, hurt, things they care nothing for,
Why couldn't it be small green houses instead of castles, rivers instead of blood,
Smells of pies that are shared with all, warmth of late afternoon hugging my cheeks,
Languishing in the hope and calm it spreads with it,
Home where even though you're a troll, 
Mucus dripping down your chin which is covered in worts, 
crooked teeth stained yellow, loud, scary, evil hearted, 
Even then they will still offer their love placed in a crown of flowers on your head,
Singing a song of tales to lull you to sleep, to relax you, to be finally at ease in body and mind.

From -The fantasy enveloping your mind



18 years old

More by LilacsSweetAroma

  • Hike in the woods

    The piercing air unwelcoming to tough bones, refreshing and soft in breathes.

    The only noise in the quiet wood
    birds humming a song.
    One leg after the other.
    Gazing at dead skies and the vast space,

  • Stage fright

    Standing still,
    Frozen from finger tip to finger,
    Trapped in place, 
    Fear clinging to my skin,
    Fear crawling up my spine,
    Fear wrapped around my neck,
    Do not move,
    A single twitch setting off the alarms,

  • Motherly love

    All I remember about my beginning was dark, all around me pitch deep black.

    Nothing  but flecks of color when I close my eyes to rest. 

    Until the day I looked toward her light,