Let It Go

The thawed suffering of verdant sprouts
Potentials crushed by our footsteps
Renunciation of Earth, who crumbles

Presents whose only destiny is clutter piling high
On our supposedly special days and stirring
Our dormant anger, yet don't want to be an ingrate

Our perspectives so seemingly esoteric
Their perspectives all too myopic to ours
In that case, assuming we're just wrong

Classrooms and places we must call home
Where we are made pariahs hiding away
Are sharply disparate in those who reside

Eschewing all we don't understand
While understanding lingers just out of reach
Fabricating truths while we reach so far to achieve it

Lamenting the onerous lack of answers
Upbraiding ourselves and ceasing to understand
That the answers will finally come if we

Let it go



15 years old

More by elise.writer

  • january to july

    in the months of darkness and cold, i never stopped writing.

    i just kept it all to myself. every night, my own religion

    pages of pen poised on paper, pouring my heart out

  • butterflies

    i don't want to love someone

    because i'm supposed to

    you told me, one night in mid-july.

    warm air and sun fading in the sky,

    i want to fall in love with someone

  • lotus

    i've heard this story a thousand times before.

    i've seen it unfold. it started with a glance, became a smile,

    became a longing. when i realized it was my turn,

    i was too late. no one told me how hard it would be